Nike Go FlyEase

This is one of my first projects working with Michael Spojaric. I learned a lot from him about not overthinking the messaging. Through his unique lens, I could see when overt cleverness got distracting, and when the try-too-hard qualities of my messaging overshadowed the product.

I helped develop messaging hierarchy, strategy, and a manifesto that served all of our app, social, and dot com copy. There was a big paid media and comms push for the Go FlyEase too, so it was one of the first projects where I really got to participate in the messaging that would be very visible out in the world. In fact, I got to see our tagline, Let’s Go FlyEase (see, simple right?), get some play on the Jimmy Fallon show.

I had a ton of fun interviewing the designers of the Go FlyEase, then I worked on Behind the Design scripts and edits from that footage.

It was also a privilege to get to work on messsaging a product that is able to make a significant impact on improving the daily lives of the disabled community. It was an incredible learning experience to be in a position to speak to disability in copy.

Creative Director: Mark Aver

Design: Michael Spoljaric, Caue Oliviera